I once had a "Jefferson Airplane" album which claimed to capture one of their live performances in a "Complete and Unexpurgated" manner. Here now is a transcript of my mother's journey book from July 1966,



Hey, it's another one of those blasted "Title Pages". How did this get in here?


Important Chart # 1: What airlines ME's friends work for:

Cheri Johns Pan Am
Jeanne Cowles Pan Am
Shari Richmond TWA
Barbara Newman United

13269 5:35 AM and HOT!
13325 6:35 AM 56 miles traveled
the radio is reputed to say 78 degrees
12369 7:18 AM , 100 miles. We always travel "100 miles Before Breakfast."

8:11 AM finished breakfast at Dutch Pantry near Wilmington(DE) Airport
13400 Gas 17 7/10 $6.00
13469 9:58 AM 200 miles traveled
Cheri Johns is with Pan Am
4 hours, 23 minutes
45mph thanks to breakfast

New Jersey Turnpike to Delaware Memorial Bridge $1.00
JFK Memorial Highway $.50
Bridge across the Susquehanna $.25
JFK Memorial Highway $.25

The License Plate Game

1.New Jersey 2. New York 3.Georgia 4. Florida 5.So. Carolina
6.No.Carolina 7.New Hampshire 8.Delaware 9.Virginia 10.Arizona
11.Maryland 12.Connecticut 13.Rhode Island 14.Mass. 15.Ohio
16.Illinois 17.W.Virginia 18.Kentucky 19.Michigan 20.Wyoming
21.Alabama 22.Texas 23.California 24.Tennessee 25. Lousiana
26.Kansas 27.Wisconsin 28.Indiana 29.Washington 30.Nebraska
31.Vermont 32.Colorado 33.Missouri 34.Minnesota 35.Iowa
36.Mississippi 37.Oklahoma 38.Pennsylvania 39.Arkansas 40.No.Dakota
41.Maine 42.NewMexico      

Bear's Handwriting, one's we didn't get obviously

1.So.Dakota 2.Oregon 3.Montana 4.Idaho 5.Utah
6.Nevada 7.Alaska 8.Hawaii    


1.Ontario 2.Quebec 3.Newfoundland 4.Labrador 5.Nova Scotia

One more plate:
USA- white on red, probably used in "occupied" territory overseas

Editor's Note: I find it hard to believe that it took us that long to find a "Pennsyltoonya." They must have all been at a big Scrapple convention or something that day. "Occupied" territories; what a 60's-ish statement--ah, the good old days when we ruled the world.

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